Saturday, 8 November 2008


Ooops, two days without a post! Sorry.
The last few days have been a bit of a muddle what with the short turn around from my last set of shifts, fitting everything in just didn't seem to happen. I will give you here a brief run down of what happened.....
Thursday:- Morning, my turn to do the horses as the blonde bird had done them for the past 3 days due to my day shifts, she had been unable to muck out the field on Wednesday so I had two wheel barrow loads! both the horses were fine and as soon as I had finished I went home to prepare my dinners for the next two nights, its always easier to do both now and freeze one as tomorrow day I don't know how much sleep I will need. After this I wash my hair and then Flower comes round, I haven't seen her for a few weeks so we have a cuppa before taking her down to see my husband (Grandad).
Then I have to go and get my private licence plates put on the new car, as the paperwork has come through, do the horses and then its off to work, we had two cover moves and one job, back in base by 11pm and asleep by half past he he, woken for a meal break at 3am then at 6am when we get up. I don't believe it yet another good night.
Friday: Although I had quite a lot of sleep I still get 3 hours this morning just to top up, then its off to the yard to hold Red for the farrier to shoe her, muck out the paddock and feed the horses, rush back to collect Lit'lun from her singing lesson then take her and the dog to mums as Beth is out and my husband and I are both on nights!
At work I find I am single manned, not a problem, but they decide to send someone to crew up with me as she is also single manned and we are short of resources in my area. What a night!! 7 pointless cover moves, and several jobs. we got back to base for a meal break but that was it, so now I am home again I'm off to bed. Goodnight.

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