Saturday, 8 May 2010

Call an ambulance!!

I have just finished my set of four shifts, two days followed by two nights, and it never ceases to amaze me just what people call us out to, and their reasons for calling us too!
This tour I was called out for a 21 year old with period pains! (boyfriends car was in the drive), we were also called to a lady with a UTI (wee infection), by her son who had driven over to see her and followed us up to the hospital in his car. When I realised what he had done I asked him why he hadn't taken her himself he said, "well if she goes in by ambulance she gets seen quicker" I quickly put him right and told him that we were being run ragged by people like him who thought this would happen, and by doing this he could very well be causing a genuine emergency to have to wait longer for an ambulance, to which he replied "I pay my taxes I, I pay your wages! I have just as much right to call an ambulance", To which (we had just had the worse night shift) my crew mate replied in which case its about time you gave us a pay rise!
As we greened up from this job we were immediately given another to an elderly lady with severe breathing difficulties. We brought this patient also, to the same hospital and were prioritised through to the resus department. The son of the UTI patient began to complain that we had said something to the staff which had stopped his mother being seen in order, to which one of the nursing staff said every patient is triaged (assessed for urgency) and as my patient had a life threatening condition and seeing as he could have called a GP or out of hours Dr out to see his mother, he didn't have anything to complain about.
As I have mentioned before every patient is assessed and the more urgent cases are obviously seen first, people seem to think that if they go into hospital by ambulance they will automatically be seen first, the sooner people realise that this is not the case the better it will be for the genuine EMERGENCIES.
I have no problem scooping little old ladies up when they fall out of bed, this is an emergency, if they were to stay on the floor all night or even all day their circulation and general well being will be affected, but when I am called out to a non emergency and there are two or three cars in the drive and at least one sober driver, just because they think they will be seen quicker then please don't expect me or my crew mate to be overly impressed! We won't be!!
My first night shift was I think the busiest night shift I have ever had, I had reached the point where I was worried that I might fall asleep at the wheel on the drive home. Fortunately I didn't and I managed to get a good 5 hours sleep that day before going back for my second night.

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