Monday, 13 April 2009

Sunshine on a bank holiday!!

Monday morning saw me filling up water troughs down at the stables, and mucking two days worth of horse poo out also, I was slightly (very) annoyed to find that whilst I had been waiting for the troughs to fill, someone had dis connected the hose so that they could shampoo their horse! They got the sharp edge of my tongue to say the least! I was fuming.
It was a lovely day though so after we had eaten our lunch my Husband, Lit'lun, the dog and I went for a walk through the woods a stones through-ish from where we live. It was lovely.
My Husband has a new camera, which I got him for his birthday and he was busy taking photos, to try it out, I have a camera on my mobile phone which I use and it saves me carrying two things around with me. Even if the photos aren't quite the same quality!

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