Friday, 29 May 2009


Today I didn't have to get up early as Blonde Bird is doing the morning feed and sorting out the horses, so I had a lay in. My husband came home from work and brought me a cup of tea in bed, which I am embarrassed to say I didn't drink as I fell back to sleep and let it get cold. All these late nights and early mornings catching up with me! I had a chilled out sort of a day as tonight I am doing my own shift as overtime, I am on annual leave at the moment but this night shift wasn't covered so I agreed to do it as overtime. I set off to do the horses on the way to work but the traffic was so bad I think there must have been an accident somewhere because in the end I had to turn round and go to work, ringing the Blonde bird to tell her what had happened. She told me not to worry as she would see to them, but its a bit bad when it was my turn to do them and I couldn't get through the traffic! I got to work slightly early but the ambulance was out on a job already so I was on my own till both the day crew and my crew mate turned up at about the same time. We were given a job almost straight away and then didn't get back to base until 1215ish when we were given our first meal break then we were off again job after job interspersed with the odd cover move. Well what can I say! I was glad it was a stand alone shift, my poor crew mate had done two days and still has another night shift still to do. The shift was OK even though it was busy, most of the jobs were genuine with just one sticking out in my mind as being a bit of a waste of time, the patient really didn't need an ambulance, me with my back and my crew mate's shoulder were far more deserving causes haha. Other than nearly falling asleep on the way home and doing the horses on the way home that really ended the day/night.

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