Friday, 30 January 2009

Night and day

Well that is my two night shifts over with for another tour!
Neither was too bad, although I preferred the second one as by 2pm we were finished, and I personally didn't see a patient.
On the first night we were out most of the time, and at one point, we had to put a crew in danger call out as the house in which our patient was staying became quite volatile, we retreated to the ambulance to wait for the police, who arrived super fast! They had already been called to the house once, earlier in the night and knew what the situation was. It was the fastest response I have ever had to a crew in danger call.
Today, I slept till lunch time then got up and went down to do the horses, The farrier was due at 2.30 pm to shoe Red, so after he had been I put the two horses in for the night, went and had a cup of tea with my mum then collected Lit'lun from her singing and piano lesson, which my husband has taken her to an hour earlier.
I was hoping that the vivarium would arrive today so that I could go and collect Twiglet, but it didn't and as they don't deliver on a weekend, it won't be till Monday at least :-(

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