Friday, 6 May 2011

Crash test dummy

I feel like a crash test dummy......
When you have kids you have a rosy picture in your head (and don't tell me you don't!) of happy mummy and daddy with bouncing baby on your knee and possibly a brother or sister for the fore mentioned baby, in due course all happy and smiling. . .
But, what happens when that picture doesn't quite look like that in real life, for instance the bouncing baby grows up and turns into a teenager that detests you and everything you have or stand for? What happens when they just go completely off the rails and don't care at all for you or your feelings, when they go out and stay out late and you have to get the police involved, when they do the opposite of what you say just "because"! when they are rude and hurtful and they upset you every day. They can't or won't see your point of view, after all you were never young!! And when anything you do to try and mediate gets thrown back in your face...... What happens? I'll tell you what happens, you cry, . . lots! But you won't get any help, none at all not from social services (yes it is that bad!) and in the end you will feel totally empty, totally. . . and will you come back out the other side.................................. I don't know!

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