Sunday, 29 January 2012

Things to look forward to.....

In chronological order:-
My friend coming to see me Wednesday, we haven't caught up properly for several months.
A family get together next Saturday, arranged by my son, all four of the kids(!) together for the first time in 18 months.
The Northern Bird down to stay for a week, Oh what can we get up to??
Then in March I am trying to get a lunch in London sorted out for "the Birthday club" you know who you are!

Friday, 27 January 2012

scratchy and itchy

Whilst at work this week I went to a job in a 10 feet down ditch, a roll over RTA, fortunately and amazingly the patient was unharmed and once the seat belt had been cut by yours truly, he was able to climb out through the shattered window and with the assistance of my crew mate, the police and fire service climb out of the ditch and into our ambulance for a check over..... I on the other hand managed to get attacked by a thorn bush, and also get slivers of glass in my hands!
At home I put plasters on to draw the glass and thorns out, (which did happen quite well, just a small amount of digging with a needle to help them out) but as I had run out of hypo allergenic plasters, I had used normal ones so now, I have wheels of angry blisters where the plasters were.
To cap all the above.... I got sent home from work in the middle of the night last night with a temperature shivers, sore throat head ache.... think that about covers it! Ah well back on sickness monitoring again I guess as it can only have been three weeks ago I had the Norovirus and was off for four days. I would like a tablet that would stop me picking up all these bugs please.

Monday, 23 January 2012

Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water...

Just to add insult to injury, as well as having an out of control daughter, my work has decided that my contract is wrong and that it needs to be dramatically changed, well, they are saying that what I requested last year and was agreed hasn't been put in place properly so I have to re submit it which makes me a new contract and oh yes, all new part time contracts don't keep their line or their crewmate. This is so not helpful, I will now have to do the shifts that they can't cover anywhere within the seven stations in my locale.
This is how they define family friendly..........

Thursday, 19 January 2012


When you have a teenager who is totally out of control... and I do mean that literally, where do you go for help?
I can tell you where you can't get help! That would be, Social Services, CAMHS, Council... to a degree school.
There is nothing in place to help parents, is that because we have dug our own grave?? My daughter is one of four, she is the youngest, none of our kids were angels I am not suggesting that but the other three had respect for us, they pretty much did as they were asked, they went to school, didn't swear at us, lie steal smoke under age, drink under age......
We have brought them all up in the same way.
This is making me ill!
Last year I had 4 months off work with stress and depression, and so much for the family friendly approach of my employers, I had  requested a change of shift pattern which was agreed then they messed it up and I am now being told I could go onto relief work, which means I won't know from one week to the next what shifts I am doing!! My husband is a shift worker and we have to be able to sort out someone to be home every night, this is turning into the biggest nightmare ever. Sometimes I can see no way out of the mess my life is in

Saturday, 14 January 2012

One person

How much hate can one person take before they give up trying to make things good?
 How much rudeness and foul mouthing can one person take before they shut their ears?
How many times can one person be kicked once they are down before they just don't try and get up again?
 How many people need to be recruited to gang up on one person?
Not much more!
Not much more!
Not many more!
Apparently many!
One person has tried to be a good parent!
One person has apparently failed!

Sunday, 1 January 2012

Happy New Year

Today is the first day of the new year, everybody has high expectations for a new start a happy and healthy prosperous new year... I'm old enough now to know that its pipe dreams for most of us, there will be good times and bad times, times when we are struggling for money and others when we are comfortable. I just hope that I get through it with out too many scars now! Is that a bad thing? New years resolutions too.... how many of my resolutions from last year did I keep up? A big fat zero! I want to loose weight but I eat too much! I want to go to the gym but shy away because of all the fit bodies making me look and feel even worse about myself... perpetual circle... I also want to earn more and work less hahaha. HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE

Nativity part 5

When Jesus was born, a brand new bright star appeared in sky. Some Wise Men in faraway countries saw the star and guessed what it meant. They were very clever men that studied the stars and had read in very old writings that a new star would appear when a great king was born. They set out to find the new king and bring him gifts.