Welcome to my world!
I am the serious bloggers nightmare, I just wanna have fun and tell anybody, who cares to listen.
Today I am off duty, in fact there are only two things in my diary.....
The Farrier, Steve, who came to trim my horses feet this morning and Slimming World, hereafter affectionately known as "Fat Club".
The day started okay, you know, kids left for work and school and the car started nicely, I even had petrol!! But then again the best laid plans..... 3 cars decided to have a bust up on the roundabout! Very inconsiderate I feel, especially as it was going to make me late getting to the yard for the farrier.
When I finally arrived, and only 5 minutes late (hello officer, me?? speed?? never!!)
the blonde bird (the names have been changed to protect the innocent and the not so!!) was already there, walking down to the field with a barrow load of hay for our horses.
Anyway, the mouse got her feet trimmed without too much fuss while I got out of mucking out the field! We do share the tasks honest!
Back home I managed to get a couple of cups of tea at last, aaahhh.
I think I will take this opportunity to fill you in on me! I am married to "the Husband" and have four kids, well okay so they are not all kids anymore , the eldest "No 1 son", is 23, and works in sales, the next, "No 2 son" is 20 and away at University, next we have "Beth" she is 18 and doing an apprenticeship, and last but by no means least, "lit'lun" she is 12 and still at school.
I am as I have said elsewhere on here, a little mad as are many of my friends, all of whom will find themselves mentioned, even if it is with a pseudonym YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE!! maaahhhhaaaahhaaaa
It must be Christmas, I have presents through the post, well ok its my order from SP Services medical supplies, both my crewmate "Tepic" and myself managed to leave our tuff cut shears at a job last week! that was some job too...
Started off being told we were going to a 17 year old, asthma attack! we pull up and I glimpse someone lying on the floor "bloody hell! asthma attack lying down!!" Tepic moans, "actually mate it looks like they are doing CPR (Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation)" I reply, sure enough they are and with reason, our 17 year old wasn't breathing! the things that go through your mind in these situations can't be posted here for fear of the page igniting! needless to say we got a paramedic to back us up and set off for the hospital, Tepic driving, when we arrived he opened the back doors and nearly swore as she looked at him and said "hello" after breathing for this girl and drug intervention she was as right as rain stunning all of us. (GCS of 3 to GCS of 15, for the medically minded).
Now I have a nice shiny new pair of shears in purple, and a new penlight for checking patients eyes, shouldn't get so many complaints of burned out retina's now... thats the problem with using a maglite!
Footnote: I am allergic to shellfish, hence the title, (an epipen is the treatment for anaphylaxis)
"Squish" Thats a rather interesting name!!
Alas, I have changed it yet again, Lit'lun. xx
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