I wake up to a lovely bright day, and no work till 7pm.
The dog and I go down to the yard, where the blonde bird has just arrived and so has my Mum, we traipse up the wet track to the field where a large puddle blocks our entry into the field, mum who has no boots on hitches a ride across on the gate, I start mucking out while the blonde does the water troughs, without any warning mouse decides to have a funny five minutes careering around the field kicking up her heels, the dog not to be out done joins in and pandemonium ensues,
Mum beats a hasty retreat taking the dog, (just in case) while I finish clearing the field and picking up feed buckets.
Round at mums I have a cuppa before heading home to sort out my dinner to take to work.
Then do a ring around trying to get a form which I need for the paramedic entrance application, after 5 phone calls I think I have the right person, hopefully the form will arrive in time!
what a morning!! now all I have to do is take lit'lun for her hair appointment....... and start my 12 hour night shift!
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