Last night Lit'lun and I joined hundreds of people in sleeping rough for Stone Pillow at a cathedral in the south of England. We had to sleep in a box!
On arrival we signed in and were both given a wristband. My daughter had her sponsorship form but I was just doing it as she is under the age of sixteen and therefore needed an adult to stay with her!
It was six pm and I had intended to drop her off go to fat club then return, but once you had arrived you had to make your shelter...... out of cardboard boxes, I duly got stuck in and before I knew it the time had flown by and Fat club would have been over, I was annoyed as I wanted to get weighed in, its good to see the weight coming off.
Anyhow, by ten pm I was freezing my wotsits off as was Lit'lun, Beth had got me something to eat as I hadn't had very much with all the running around I had been doing during the day, and there was a BBQ on site, all night there was a room in which you could make hot drinks, but once I had made the shelter and got into my sleeping bag there was not much chance of wanting to come out again! We chatted to some of the other people around us, but by eleven thirty the security patrols had turned the main lights surrounding the Cathedral off, in the hopes that everyone would sleep.
My feet froze, I couldn't seem to get them to warm up, and as I was only sleeping for a few minutes at a time I was very aware of them.
The most amazing thing about the sleep out was the diverse range of ages, there were children maybe younger than 5 years old, up to elderly people, one of whom told us he was 75!! It was extremely cold, little comfort to be had from a sleeping bag and some cardboard boxes, even if you had a ground mat!
One of the few joys was to go to the loo!!! Oh yes, the water for washing your hands was ohhh sooo hot as was the hand drier..... quite long conversations were had in the loos just to maximise the warm time!
In the morning we had a hot drink packed up our sleeping bags and dragged the flattened cardboard boxes to an area in front of the Cathedral where the local council would be collecting it to recycle.
Lit'lun and I spent 11 and a half hours sleeping rough, homeless!, and it was 11 and a half hours too long! It did make us think, we managed that night knowing we could go home get a shower get warm and that would be it, if we were truly homeless we would still be cold and hungry with the same to follow day in day out!
Stone Pillow.
What a day it was yesterday, I didn't even have time to write my blog, today hasn't been that much easier. There will be no photo with this post until at least tomorrow.
The day started with me clearing every thing out of the car as it has been sold. Then I had to go into town and get a rather large sum of money out of the bank to use to purchase my new car. After doing this I went to the stables and did the horses, the blonde bird has been doing them for the last two days while I have been at work, pick up Lit'lun from my mums and drive the 28 miles to collect the car. It is lovely, easy to drive and all very new looking.
On arriving back home, I go down to the post office to collect a parcel which the postman couldnt deliver the day before yesterday as we were all out and it needed signing for. A few weeks ago the blonde bird and myself went to London for a photo shoot, and this is one of the photos they took.
When I get back to the house the postman has been and delivered the voucher for my new laptop, which I had to claim on the insurance for that is what you call fast! So I go to commet to collect it.
Then its back to the horses to feed and hay then home, just to get changed though, fat club tonight, but before that I have to drop Lit'lun off at the cathedral as tonight we are both sleeping rough to raise money for homeless.
I was working again today, my first patient was a casualty of the snow/ice that we had over night. Not that it was anything like the above picture, that was taken at the beginning of the year.
He was an elderly man, the sort of person you would love to have as a granddad, happy and jokey even though he had fallen and dislocated his shoulder and ??broken his clavicle. The reason I mention him is, as I am taking his blood pressure he looked up at me and said "I love snow.....................on Christmas cards!! We both laughed.
The day the above photo was taken Lit'lun was helping me by bringing in some towels which had been left outside over night on the line, when she came back in the house she made a snowball out of the snow that had stuck to the clean laundry and set it on top while she got some gloves, in the mean time the dog came along and gently took it and ate it! Lit'lun was gutted.
As you know if you read the side of this blog, I am an EMT. My job has the ability to tax you to max, or drive you mad at peoples stupidity and ignorance and every conceivable mixture in between.
So..... here's the scenario.......
999/911 call comes in.....
we respond, putting our blue lights and two tones on, rushing to the scene, taking a position in the middle of the road, driving fast its an emergency after all, split second to think about what you are going to do when at last you see or hear us above the stereo.........
and what do you do??......
well from personal experience, you stop dead! Stop on a bend so we can't see past, drive past the lay by to crawl along the road, or the classic, you indicate that you are pulling over, but thats it, you maintain the speed and stick your fingers up when we get so frustrated at not being able to make progress that we give you a blast of the air horns.
On arrival at the scene, all the passers by who are crowding around won't let us through, your drunk friends try to fight us, you try to fight us, because you have had too much to drink, but claim your drinks have been spiked, (and yes we do put bets on to see how many times we hear that in a night) and yes calling an ambulance because you can't control yourself is a drain on resources and finances. Once on the ambulance your friends all want to come too, well news flash, one drunk in the back of an ambulance is more than enough.
Or..... the relatives are anxious, they tell us every thing we need to know, they shut Tyson the man eating Yorkshire terrier away so he doesn't bite us or get shocked at 200 Joules, and clear everything out of our way so we can get the stretcher in. They answer questions and remain as calm as they can, then once the patient is on board they follow the road signs and laws and make their way to the hospital.
If the patient is very ill we take them into hospital on blue lights and two tones, alerting the hospital that they have a priority patient.
We have to pass an exam to drive on blues and two's, just because you are following doesn't mean you can jump red lights and "ride the bow wave". That is putting peoples lives at risk.
Follow sensibly, after all the doctor will usually have to do several assessments before you can come and sit with the patient, the emergency is with us not you.
If you go into hospital by ambulance you are assessed the same way as if you had gone on your own, you don't jump any queues in fact if the hospital staff think your trouble didn't warrant an ambulance but you wanted to be seen faster you will have a long wait! Yes we know you pay your taxes! SO DO WE!!
One last thing, we are there to help, we are doing all we can for the patient, please don't be rude or violent, usually someone has called and asked for our help.
Today, has been one of those days!
I got up at some unearthly hour, to ensure I got to work on time, and my crew mate was delayed getting in as she had lost her purse, and as any woman knows there is a lot more than just money and cards in our purses.
Between call outs I tried to sort out stupid little things that kept jumping into my thoughts, like the insurance claim I will have to do to sort out my laptop now I have stupidly shut the lid down and cracked the screen in two places!!! The pen was the same colour as the laptop (if anyone has a bright coloured biro please send it to me I don't want to do that again!) that took two phone calls and I have to say the insurance company was really good, maybe because this is the first claim we have ever made in over 10 years! Or maybe just because they are really good.
Then I had to sort out some banking, again something that sounded like it could have the potential to cause problems, and again it was sorted out with out any problems.
During all these phone calls, my crew mate and I had a rather prolonged cardiac and respiratory arrest which unfortunately we couldn't revive even though we shocked her 4 times, a bad chest infection in a lady who has COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease). Incidentally this lady was obese and had a lot of the related problems associated with obesity, and needed some inhaled medication to help, and an elderly gentleman who fell and hurt his arm and knees, really, work wise a very quiet day, add all the other bits and it was quite full.
:-) :-( ;-DLOL BRB OMG KK L8er 2Qt2Bstr8!I seem to get text (tx) messages all day every day and rarely do the have no abbreviations in them.
Yesterday I did get one with none though, it said "I have just booked a holiday down near where you live for early next year. Yippee!"
It was from the northern bird, I haven't had a chance to have a good natter and catch up with her for a couple of years now, roll on spring!
This morning I was still recovering from the effects of the medication I had yesterday, but after a cuppa I was looking forward to a trip into London with my Husband and Lit'lun. we arrived at Victoria station to find the actual suit worn in the film "The Iron Man" on display, No Robert Downey Jnr though. Lit'lun has been doing Van Gogh at school in art and wanted to go to the National Art Gallery to see some of his paintings for real. We decided to walk there, taking in Big Ben, Parliament, Nelsons Column and Downing Street en route and once there we spent quite a lot of time looking at several painters work which we wanted to look at including Van Gogh, Vermeer,Durer, and Zurbaran, from here we walked down The Strand,where they had a McDonalds, I had a salad take away from a place called "Tossed" we continued down Fleet Street, then walked over the Millennium Bridge and on to the Tate Modern for a quick look round and to get Beth an Andy Warhol, "Marilyn" print, she had wanted to come with us but had to work today.
On the train on the way home Lit'lun and I connected our Nintendo DS' and played a game against each other.
Once home I took her over to Mums as my Husband and I are both working for the next two days and two nights, we stopped off at the horses first to put their rugs on in the dark and put feed and hay out for them.
A year ago today my husband two girls and myself were all at Wembley for the first ever regular season NFL game outside of the US, we saw, Miami Dolphins playing New York Giants. The Giants won, then went on to win the Superbowl.
Today however we were going to have to watch it on the TV as the tickets were so expensive. My husband, determine that we should have a good time while watching got lots of party food and some Budweiser and wine, and we settled down to watch the San Diego Chargers play New Orleans Saints, the game was excellent, and was so close right up to the last whistle, with the Saints winning 37-32. I was curled up on the end of the sofa recovering from my earlier allergic reaction but I still enjoyed the game.
The second game today is NY Giants, playing Pittsburgh Steelers.
I was woken up today by my husband saying "so much for your alarm waking us up this morning!"
I look at the clock sure enough it hasn't gone off but there is a valid reason for it, my alarm is on my mobile phone and the time on that is sent straight from Greenwich. As soon as I saw the time on the phone, I realised what had happened. It was funny though!
Shortly after this I set off in the rain to see to the horses, as usual Mouse had knocked down the electric fence, but I had a secret weapon!!! A new fully charged battery, hopefully this will stop her. I gave them both some hay and mucked out the field, by the time I had finished I was soaked!
Back home I got changed and together with my husband and Lit'lun, went to church.
We had a quick lunch on our return then set off for my godson's birthday tea, he is the grand old age of 3 now. Beth had joined us too so it was nice to go as a family group to see him and his family.
We hadn't been there two hours when I stupidly managed to eat something with garlic in, I am usually careful with food as I have lots of allergies with varying degree's of reaction, todays was a fairly bad one, and I contemplated using the epipen which contains adrenalin but managed, fortunately, to get by with tablets. We did have to leave, which was a shame as its not often that we all get together.
Today, I have driven there and back twice! I rang up about a car this morning and decided, after speaking to the dealer, that I should go and see it, before I went I had to go and make sure that Red and Mouse were both ok and give them some hay. After picking my mum up (My husband is away today, and I wanted adult company). we set off for the 28 mile trip to go and view the car, a Honda CR-V.
We liked the way it looked and after test driving it also liked the way it handled although there was a strange sound coming from the back on left and right hard lock, they are going to get this sorted out before I have it, they are also going to transfer the number plates over for me, as I have my own plates. which leads me on to the reason why I had to go back a second time, they needed the paper work to be able to change the plates, so in all I drove 112 miles. Friday can't come soon enough now! Still there are lots of things happening between now and then, starting tomorrow.
My Uncle passed away on my horses first birthday, earlier this year, he was an amazing pianist yet he could not read music. This very rough mobile phone video of him playing was the last time I heard him play.......
Today has been an odd sort of day I got up late, (makes a change) and decided to take the dog for a walk so that my husband could get some sleep as he had just got back from a night shift.
I rang my mum to see if she would like to come with us, she did so we had a cuppa first before setting off, bright and not too cold, perfect for slinging tennis balls, we walked down past the horses, they had been done this morning I was to do the evening shift today, they both came over and had some apple which we had deliberately taken with us.
On arriving back at mums I didn't have time for another drink as I had to get home to collect Lit'lun and take her to her singing lesson, after which we drove up to the vets to book Rabbit in for his myxymatosis innoculation.
Once home I cooked the dinner and then scoured the internet for a new car, as mine is 8 years old now.
If the washing machine door is open the dog has to stick her head in! as a puppy she was scared of it, and even when it wasn't being used she would give it a wide berth, This time of year, coming up for Guy Fawkes night there are loads of firework
displays, the dog hates it, and we have to use the D.A.P spray and plug in to try and keep her calm, both my collies have been the same, I wish you could explain that it won't hurt her!!
Last night we were called to a lady who had fallen out of bed and needed assistance to get back into it again, nothing unusual we get calls like this often.... or so we thought, on arrival we were shown upstairs to an extremely cluttered room, our patient was a 70 year old, she was on her front, with her head and arms on the bed, in extreme respiratory distress, normally in these situations my crew mate and I would hoist our patient onto the bed and do some obs, checking first that there were no new pains anywhere, you'd be surprised what damage can be done falling from a bed!
In this instance it was going to be a little more tricky, as our patient, at a guess would tip the scales at about the 28 stones mark! my crew mate and I look at each other, " elk, second crew and fire service!" I suggest, he nods and goes to request the assistance and get the elk, an excellent piece of kit a flat square "mat which has 4 chambers which inflate to raise the patient to a sitting position, after doing a quick set of obs, I find her blood pressure, blood sugar level and temp. higher than I would like, which doesn't surprise me! with the arrival of the second ambulance, the four of us plus the patients son manage to "man handle" her onto the elk and begin to raise her to a sitting height, until one of the four chambers develops a leak!, using a canvas sheet with carry handles along its length we manage to haul her up onto a commode and wrap some blankets round her for dignity before the fire service arrive.
The fire fighters arrive and between us we decide that to get her out of the house and onto the ambulance, (she needed to attend hospital) we will have to carry her down the stairs, which are winding and narrow, on two carry sheets, as our carry chair will not be safe to use with this particular patient.
The bedroom, and front doors have had to be removed, (they were put back before the fire crew left) and within 15 minutes our patient was on the ambulance, we were on scene for over an hour and a half.
Big is not always beautiful, big usually means diabetes, ulcers, cardiac problems, breathing problems, cholesterol problems and hygiene issues to name a few things.
And then theres the stress and embarrassment when things like this happen, to mention nothing of our backs, and the financial issues.
the rest of the night was the usual types of jobs, none as taxing as this one.
(slimming world)
Lit'lun had her hair cut, I had to leave her to it with Beth as I had to leave for work, and as I got home this morning after she had gone to school, I still haven't seen the finished style. Beth sent a couple of photos to my mobile phone and from what I can see it looks great.
The unheard of happened last night, my crew mate "Dave" had a cold and was feeling pretty rough, so we were hoping for a quiet night, we got sent on cover at 9pm and were back in base by 10pm, given a meal break, and fell asleep, we were woken at 3.15am for our second meal break, and asked to go on cover at 5.15am, neither of us saw a patient and we managed to get quite a few hours sleep....... please can we have the same tonight, (she says knowing that the control team that are on tonight will have us out on pointless cover moves if there are no jobs for us).
It was frosty this morning, I went to do the horses and decided to leave their rugs on, lovely clear blue sky again though, shame I am going to sleep through some of it. (Although I got quite a few hours sleep, crashing out in a reclining chair with several wake up calls doesn't quite do it).
Tonight my husband is also on nights so Beth is in charge, good job the girls get on really!!
Well I am off to bed now enjoy the day.......................zzzzzzzzz.
I wake up to a lovely bright day, and no work till 7pm.
The dog and I go down to the yard, where the blonde bird has just arrived and so has my Mum, we traipse up the wet track to the field where a large puddle blocks our entry into the field, mum who has no boots on hitches a ride across on the gate, I start mucking out while the blonde does the water troughs, without any warning mouse decides to have a funny five minutes careering around the field kicking up her heels, the dog not to be out done joins in and pandemonium ensues,
Mum beats a hasty retreat taking the dog, (just in case) while I finish clearing the field and picking up feed buckets.
Round at mums I have a cuppa before heading home to sort out my dinner to take to work.
Then do a ring around trying to get a form which I need for the paramedic entrance application, after 5 phone calls I think I have the right person, hopefully the form will arrive in time!
what a morning!! now all I have to do is take lit'lun for her hair appointment....... and start my 12 hour night shift!

In the last post I mentioned how the dog has a thing about me doing up my laces, it occured to me,..... she has always had a thing about laces!!
Here she is six weeks old.
Back to work again, every work day morning I get dressed downstairs so I don't wake every one up at some unearthly hour, I go to put my boots on and the dog thinks she has one last chance for some fuss before I go, as I start doing my laces she puts her foot on it so I would tie her to it, then when that doesn't work she rolls onto her back on my feet, this dog does NOT want me to go to work!
Today it is raining and drab, our first call is to a lady who has been unconscious for 10 to 15 mins, on our arrival she has just come round, she is elderly, her blood pressure is low and her temperature and sugar levels are high, I explain to her husband that we will take her to the local hospital to get a check over, to which her replies "No, she's not going" she has been unconscious before they don't know whats wrong so she isn't going in!"
It took us a fair few minutes to explain that it wasn't just the unconsciousness but other things too that we were worried about. We did in the end take her in, she was allowed home by mid afternoon.
I have decided to do the paramedic course which begins early next year, I have to be accepted first, and received the application forms today, the hard part is filling them in!
What I don't like about this time of year is driving to work in the dark, then driving home again in the dark, it makes the day seem so short.
Still its all change tomorrow, as I begin my two night shifts......
Its funny how something will happen that pokes you in the ribs and tells you to get on and do it!!..... Yesterday morning whilst I was at the yard I glanced up and saw one tree golden and red amongst all the green ones, I have a friend, Harley man, who lives in California, he moved from up the mountains down into the valley, and the trees changing colour always remind me of him.
The last time I emailed him was January this year, things happen and time passes, before long its been almost a year since we last communicated, I often think of him especially as it gets colder as I know he prefers the warmth. Plucking up courage, well its been forever since we spoke, I email a tentative "Hi how are you?" desperately hoping he doesn't think, well she has a cheek after all this time, Within a couple of hours I had a reply, with a brief run down of whats been happening his side of the pond. It was just an email, but it was great, he's well and business is good.
Thanks Harley man,........ your reply is coming x
Back to work today, the dog prowls around when she sees me in uniform, she knows I won't be around so we won't be doing anything fun! I leave the house at 05:30 and set off for the station some 32 miles from my house, wondering who will be coming to work with me today as I have a vacant line one side of me on the rota.
We have brand new recliners when I arrive and the door handle which has been broken for over a week has at last been fixed, my crew mate turns up, he's on overtime , bless him!
The first two jobs we are stood down from before arriving, miraculous recovery's.
Then we are sent to a 19 year old with chest pain, in the back of the ambulance we do some observations on him, all we can find wrong is a fast pulse (Tachycardia) but as he has told us he has a history of inflamation of the cardiac tissue we tell him we will pop him up to the local A&E. Our patient refuses, there then ensues a few minutes of me and my crew mate trying to persuade him that this would be his best option, and if he was my son I would want him to go! Still he refuses, he signs the disclaimer and we have to let him off. Shutting the back doors of the vehicle we begin to tidy up, suddenly the boys mother throws open the back doors and, shouts abuse and threats at us for not taking him in, the father then joins in saying if anything happens we will be sued. We leave the mess and drive off, radioing control to inform them of the situation.
We have no power to force someone to go to hospital if they are in their right mind, why abuse us if the outcome is not favourable, this situation led to 5 police officers being deployed as the family started following the vehicle.
What a waste of resources and money!
After lunch the husband suggested we go for a wander down by the sea, so together with lit'lun and the dog we drove down to the beach,
making sure the dog was allowed onto the actual beach we walked down to the shoreline, as we didn't know what the tide would be doing I decided not to take a tennis ball (most Border Collie owners know that if you have a tennis ball in your hand you have your dogs undivided attention), but the dog being ever resourceful, found a stick, we dutifully threw it into the sea for her to retrieve, walking along further she found another, and another! we arrived at the pier, where my husband got Lit'lun and himself an ice cream, I declined as it doesn't really fit into my diet plan, not the size he was buying anyway! So if I haven't lost weight this week I know where my first stop will be!!!
We walked on, their ice creams dripping all over them, I remained nice and clean, though maybe a little wet from the dogs relentless shaking every time she came out of the sea.
By the time we got back to the car we had enough sticks for a small fire, maybe take a rod and line next time!!
Back home its life as usual, cooking and more laundry, then after dinner, I bag the bathroom and have a soak in the bath, oh and Mum.., I just used the last of that lovely bubble bath from Lush.....
I have found inner peace,
the way I do this is to finish the things I start.
I looked round this morning and saw the things I had started......
so I finished.......
the vodka, the Baileys,some red wine, the ice cream and the Valium!
You have no idea how peaceful I feel now!!!
Disclaimer: this is a joke!!!
Another lovely day dawns over the South of England, clear pale blue and I love it! So does the dog, she sits by the patio doors looking longingly out when ever she comes in.
Today she looks unhappy as I put my boots on and grab the car keys, I haven't put her collar on so she knows she isn't coming with me, the entrance to the field is mud and I don't want to end up with mud all over the cage in the back of the car.
One of the other horse owners is at the yard when I arrive and we chat, then glancing up I realise Mouse is not in the correct paddock! "Nuts", I push the wheelbarrow of hay up the track and enter the field, Red wanders over, "good girl" I take her rug off and deposit half the hay in a pile, a few feet further I put the rest, okay, now to fetch Mouse and mend the fence.
I walk the length of it.....its all intact, and the gate is shut, I open it and shoo her out, shut the gate and follow her to the second hay pile to remove her rug, not a mark on her!! I get my phone out and text the blonde bird, "Okay, the mare can jump! horses done!"
After mucking out the field I head home for breakfast and another cuppa, before pegging some washing on the line.
Men are from Mars or maybe somewhere even further, but as my local topography is bad don't expect me to know where that somewhere is!
How is it that even though I was out with the dog, it was my fault husband put his foot through the ceiling? That said he has made a brilliant repair you would never know anything had happened......other than the fact you read it here. (hehe)
Its been a varied afternoon, the northern bird rang to see if she could come down for a visit, and Soutie invited us to my God sons Birthday tea, at this point I should add that I also have a granddaughter......I know, I know,I don't look old enough but there we are,....... flower is 4 years old and loves playing with my God son.
Then there was Beth having to have an MMR injection as somehow she managed to miss out on the second dose, lit'luns singing lesson to get to straight from school, and while she was there I wizzed up to the Yard to rug the horses and give them some hay............... I.....need....Tea, and huge mugs of it!!
When I got home I started cooking the dinner, as I am working on Sunday, they are having their roast today, me? I am a veggiewierdo so I shall have quorn, a glass of wine and total meltdown........... tomorrow is my last day off then its back to the grind.
Clear blue skies again today, lovely! The blonde text's to say she has done the horses this morning, cool.... just have a cuppa then jump in the car and take the dog out for a walk, what a lovely bright day, not cold, the cobwebs on the grass have dew on them and as the dog retrieves the tennis ball I threw for her the water flies up in her wake. We only met a couple of dogs and none of them wanted to kill her... which makes a change! Back in the car I drop down to see a friend who has horses a short way from my house, she's finished at her stables and the two mares are grazing happily. What a chilled morning this is turning into.
I get home and look round for the husband, he is upstairs, "did you see what I did?" he asks, "Nope" I reply thinking fast.... has he vacuumed and I didn't see, or cleaned the kitchen? he looks up, "I put my foot through the ceiling" he says.
I go and look.......
Well the sky is still blue..........outside!!
Sometimes I wake up grumpy, other times I leave him in bed!
Sometimes I wake up sleepy 'cos grumpy has kept me awake all night, the rest of the time I wonder what the hell the 7 dwarfs are doing in my bed!!
Its official!! I am a loser, 10.5lb in three weeks to be exact, and its all down to Willamina Power, the group leader, (Will, for short!) she beats us with a prickly stick if we put on weight!!, okay so she doesn't (but my mates would come along just for that I thought I'd put it in) she is really helpful and with out her help I wouldn't have lost a lb! lets hear it for Will Power woop woop.
The horses, Mouse and Red are all rugged up for the night and my nice quiet house is about to to be bombarded with "Lit'lun" and "the husband" returning what joy!

Welcome to my world!
I am the serious bloggers nightmare, I just wanna have fun and tell anybody, who cares to listen.
Today I am off duty, in fact there are only two things in my diary.....
The Farrier, Steve, who came to trim my horses feet this morning and Slimming World, hereafter affectionately known as "Fat Club".
The day started okay, you know, kids left for work and school and the car started nicely, I even had petrol!! But then again the best laid plans..... 3 cars decided to have a bust up on the roundabout! Very inconsiderate I feel, especially as it was going to make me late getting to the yard for the farrier.
When I finally arrived, and only 5 minutes late (hello officer, me?? speed?? never!!)
the blonde bird (the names have been changed to protect the innocent and the not so!!) was already there, walking down to the field with a barrow load of hay for our horses.
Anyway, the mouse got her feet trimmed without too much fuss while I got out of mucking out the field! We do share the tasks honest!
Back home I managed to get a couple of cups of tea at last, aaahhh.
I think I will take this opportunity to fill you in on me! I am married to "the Husband" and have four kids, well okay so they are not all kids anymore , the eldest "No 1 son", is 23, and works in sales, the next, "No 2 son" is 20 and away at University, next we have "Beth" she is 18 and doing an apprenticeship, and last but by no means least, "lit'lun" she is 12 and still at school.
I am as I have said elsewhere on here, a little mad as are many of my friends, all of whom will find themselves mentioned, even if it is with a pseudonym YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE!! maaahhhhaaaahhaaaa
It must be Christmas, I have presents through the post, well ok its my order from SP Services medical supplies, both my crewmate "Tepic" and myself managed to leave our tuff cut shears at a job last week! that was some job too...
Started off being told we were going to a 17 year old, asthma attack! we pull up and I glimpse someone lying on the floor "bloody hell! asthma attack lying down!!" Tepic moans, "actually mate it looks like they are doing CPR (Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation)" I reply, sure enough they are and with reason, our 17 year old wasn't breathing! the things that go through your mind in these situations can't be posted here for fear of the page igniting! needless to say we got a paramedic to back us up and set off for the hospital, Tepic driving, when we arrived he opened the back doors and nearly swore as she looked at him and said "hello" after breathing for this girl and drug intervention she was as right as rain stunning all of us. (GCS of 3 to GCS of 15, for the medically minded).
Now I have a nice shiny new pair of shears in purple, and a new penlight for checking patients eyes, shouldn't get so many complaints of burned out retina's now... thats the problem with using a maglite!
Footnote: I am allergic to shellfish, hence the title, (an epipen is the treatment for anaphylaxis)