I woke up to blue skies and sunshine today Just what I want to see after being a night owl for the last 48 or so hours.
After checking the horses feeding them, putting hay out and mucking out the field, I went to see my Mum.
We had a few cups of tea and put the world to rights, as well as catch up on the gossip. My younger brother and his son are to be confirmed very soon, but unfortunately I am working. Mum's sister and Nephew, and the dog are coming down at the weekend, my Aunt and her dog are going to stay while my cousin goes back home the next day. Beethoven, is a black Lab, he is a taller heavier one than normal, my Border Collie is a hill Collie (the fine boned small variety of Border) who HATES Black Labs ... Great! what fun times lay ahead?!
When my dog was about 8 months old we were walking near our home, she was off the lead but typically for her staying fairly close to me, when round a corner came an older lady with about 6 Black and Yellow Labradors, one of the Black ones rushed forwards and grabbed the dog round her throat at which she yelped and all the others piled in. The woman had no control over her dogs which took on a pack mentality. I physically threw the dogs of my pup before hoisting her up over my shoulders where they couldn't get to her.
Since this incident if she sees a Black Lab she strikes first! no other breed, and yellow, chocolate and cross bred Labs are all fine. I take her down to a canine swimming pool on the coast where the owner has with a great deal of success put my dog in a session with Black Labs. We are slowly re educating her.
After leaving mums house I went home to an empty house, kids all out at school or work and my husband at uni.
I decided to bring the rabbit in, he wanders round the dining room for a while, every time he gets near a tennis ball the dog runs up and takes it, they are funny.
Ah well, I better cook something for the kids and myself or it will be bedtime before we eat.
The above pic is at the canine swimming pool. my dog is on the right her friend who has spinal nerve damage is on the left
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