The law is an ass!I would like to point out that this is only my opinion, which I believe I am entitled to have!What right does a country have to state that an item of clothing cannot be worn?I am of course referring to the buqa (burkha). Its not as if it is such a scanty item that a persons assets(!) are on display... Bikini, Mankini!!!... It doesn't have any bad language emblazon across it, and its not advertising anything illegal. I am sure there would be public outcry if bikinis, rude tee shirts or clothing bearing adverts were to be banned. This seems to me like yet another excuse to persecute a particular group of people. I wonder what the next item on the list will be? Why cant politicians get their own houses in order and start working on serious issues and leave what people wear up to the individual.
Bish was on nights last night, fortunately he didn't have a bad shift, because when I got back from the stables this morning at 9am there were builders in next door drilling and banging, fitting a new kitchen! The noise is really deafening, I am hoping they are quick workers and finish what they are doing really quickly because its already driving me mad. I do have a low tolerance to things like that though, so maybe its good for me! (sarcasm there!) Still if Bish had been on job after job last night he would have needed to get some sleep today and would have been less than impressed with that racket, at one point we thought they were going to end up in the bathroom!Storm text to see if I would like to take the dog out with her two, we took them for a wander through the woods where we do our search and rescue training, then when we got back I sorted out a few things on her computer for her whilst having a coffee and a Viennese whirl, my favorite.After cooking the dinner I went down to the yard to put Mouse to bed.All in all a very mixed day, I hope they will have finished banging around tomorrow so that normal noise levels will be resumed.
I know more about the ministry of magic than I do about the houses of parliament.
That is the title of a group on facebook, I joined the group just as a laugh, but then realised that it is probably true! whats more its probably true about a lot of the people who will be voting at this up coming election. Rather a worrying thought really....I mean Cornelius Fudge didn't do a very good job when he was minister for magic, and Dumbledore is dead..... that just leaves Percy Weasley and we all know what a jobsworth he is! Ahh well I guess we will have to stick to, Brown, Cameron or Clegg...... maybe one of the two that aren't elected could run for Minister of Magic! now theres a thought.
I did manage to stay up to see Bish when he got in last night (haven't stopped yawning all day though!) This morning when I got to the stables Mouse was much happier and when I let her into the paddock she ran around with the red pony for a short while before she got her head down to the serious business of eating. I have been driving around with a very bald tyre on my car so having ordered a new one I went to have it put on £60 later I drove to mums where we walked the two dogs down to a grassy plateau they played with tennis balls while mum and I had a picnic lunch and put the world to rights. Once home my husband told me that the church was not going to allow him to do a single year at his theological college to get his BA, but that it wanted him to do a further 4 years study at a different venue to get the same BA. Great!! that will be another 4 years of no holidays and him having to study all the time, why don't they get the concept of family life!! Anyway enough of that, I must get on with the dinner.
When I got to the stables this morning I found mouse's hay net still hanging up outside! Poor girl hadn't had any hay all night. I let her out and not surprisingly she put her head straight down to graze.Having dropped Flower off at school I got ready to go up country a short way to meet a friend for lunch, he is a parish priest, so I travelled up to his parish and we went to a pub a short distance away called the gardeners arms. The service was excellent as was the food, and it goes without saying that the company was too. After eating and catching up we went for a walk around a huge reservoir it was so warm and sunny, there were a pair of grebes on the water and loads of different butterflies it was lovely. When we got back to the rectory we had a cup of tea then I left to come home as he had work to do.I drove straight to the stables to muck out hay, feed and water then bring Mouse in, before I left I did a double check that she did have everything she needed for the night.When I got in it was just Beth and Litlun at home as Bish was in London at Uni he won't get in until gone eleven, but I will try and stay awake to see him.
A couple of things that have happened in my long time away from blogging were My operation at the begining of February and My husband (Bish, a little premature haha, it is the slang term used by Royal Marines for their Padre) and I renewed our wedding vowes on the 14 of february, we had invited family and friends but thanks to the postal strike 5 of our invitations did not get to their destinations and some of our family and friends did not know about it (we didn't put RSVP, wish we had now!)
It was a lovely day, although I was still in pain from the op it went well, our friend Fr James led the service and Lit'lun also received her grade two singing certificate.
I can't believe its been so long since my last post!
Many things have changed since then, for instance I have moved Mouse to a stables closer to my home, we have Flower, our Granddaughter every Monday night. Beth has quit her job got a new one and is off to College then Uni to train as a teacher. There are probably other things which I cant remember off hand but if I can get my backside into gear and keep the blog up to date, will come to the surface.
As I think this is a fresh start I may change a few names.... to protect the innocent and the not so!!!
Well here goes.....